Rotating Images
To rotate an image, define a rotate requirement in the options' transformations. A rotate requirement has the following parameters:
- Rotate the image by the given degrees. This changes the final image orientation either by changing the metadata's orientation value or reordering the pixels.
- Flip the image, either horizontally or vertically.
- Force the up orientation. This ensures that the output does not have a non-default metadata orientation. Instead, the pixel data is rotated. Some image formats do not support a metadata encoded orientation. In this case forcing the up orientation will not have any effect.
Code Sample
The following code rotates the image 90 degrees clockwise while forcing the up-orientation:
final RotateRequirement rotateRequirement =
new RotateRequirement(
/* degrees */ 90,
/* flipVertically */ false,
/* flipHorizontally */ false,
/* forceUpOrientation */ true);
// Pass rotate requirement to the options' transformations
FSPRotateRequirement *rotateRequirement = [FSPRotateRequirement
// Pass crop requirement to the options' transformations